Friday, February 11, 2011

Thyroid patients

The belief that thyroid patients have to take medicines for life is not true either. Natural iodine is required for the thyroid gland, since it is missing in our food, the gland cannot produce hormones properly. If you eat natural food every day all glands in the body will function normally. The thyroid may also function normally and produce the necessary hormones. Eighty to ninety percent of thyroid patients have recovered by following natural lifestyle. If you follow the routine exactly for three, four months, hormones can come back to normalcy.

In the first month, follow this diet and take your medicines normally. The next month, take only half a tablet, the third month totally give up the medicine, and get tested in the fourth month. If necessary, you may have to take medicine for a few days. Of course, even if you give up medicine, you will not have any complications like the swelling, change of voice, or weakness. You should eat grams like green gram, Bengal gram or groundnut along with coconut, ginger, dates and dry fruits, etc. Next, exercise, if time permits. Pranayama and some yogasanas will help you even more. So you don’t have to use iodized salt to cure thyroid disease. It’s not necessary.

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