Thursday, February 3, 2011

Heaviness in stomach due to water

The heaviness that you may feel is not due to the water you drank in the early morning. Stomach sends away the 1-1 ½ liter of water into the bloodstream in no more than 15 minutes. When we drink, water is absorbed little by little, causing no heaviness. If you feel that your stomach is heavy, it is the feeling of heaviness in the mind. First clear your mind before you fill your stomach.

People assume that if we drink more water on an empty stomach it may get enlarged. This is untrue. In fact, drinking much water helps reduce the heaviness of the stomach and fat in the body. Actually, the stomach becomes enlarged if you drink water along with food, since as long as food remains in the stomach, so does the water.

Wait until the feeling of heaviness is lessened then drink more water. Your abdomen size will decrease and you will lose weight as the days go on.

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