Friday, February 11, 2011

Low blood pressure patients

The one perennial question I always face: “You advice us to give up salt totally, whereas doctors advise low blood pressure patients to add salt to everything they eat. Whose advice should we follow? Don’t you think salt-free diet leads to low blood pressure?”
The problem is there is a deep-rooted belief that the only medicine for low blood pressure is adding more salt to your food. Okay, so by adding salt you may be relieved of your suffering for the time being. But, are you cured of your low blood pressure permanently by consuming salt? No. Then listen to my argument.

Low blood pressure symptoms are seen in those people who don’t drink a required amount of water. Even if your blood pressure is less than 120/80, if you drink plenty of water, you will not become dizzy. Even in those who are very active, blood pressure for them will be only 100/70. But will any doctor call them low blood pressure patients? No, the doctor will say it is normal for an athlete. Since they are quite healthy, they have that pressure. In that case, don’t you think we should also have the same blood pressure if we are also healthy?

It is always better to start drinking five liters of water first and then stop eating salt. Otherwise no salt and no water situation lead to giddiness and you may even faint on the very first day. Plenty of water helps in pumping sufficient blood to the head and brain. So dizziness will be minimized. Even bathing the head in cold water is good for low blood pressure. If you don’t follow this food style properly, you will feel weak and dizzy. If you assume that this is due to low blood pressure and begin eating salt, you will never be rid of your low blood pressure. Even if both the kidneys fail, you cannot stop taking salt. So, for whatsoever reason, don’t add even a pinch of salt to your food.

Drink two to three glasses of tender coconut water a day when you start this new routine. It will reduce your weakness and is good for low blood pressure patients. Raw vegetable juice is a must. If you follow these precautions, you won’t have to use salt. You can see the difference for yourself from the second day. We can say we have tamed low blood pressure.

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