Friday, February 11, 2011

Asthma patients

We all think there is no permanent cure for asthma. Asthma is like grass on the ground. The grass keeps growing and is green as long as it gets an adequate supply of water. Once the water supply is cut off, it stops growing, but its roots will be buried deep in the ground. At the next drop of water, it will sprout again. Salt to asthma is like water to grass. As long as asthma doesn’t have a supply of salt, it becomes dry. Once it gets salt, however, it springs up like grass. So, among asthma patients, those who can give up salt are the lucky souls.

The new diet cures them of this disease in two or three months. Of course it may take five or six months for some people. You will gain great relief if you totally depend on raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, etc. In the beginning instead of bathing your head in cold water, bathe it in lukewarm water every two or three days. Drink lukewarm water in the morning. Add honey to all juices. It gives you energy. You should eat food to fill only 70% of your stomach keeping 30% empty. Have dinner early in the evening.

If you still suffer from cough or breathlessness, give up eating breakfast and in place of it, drink honey and lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water two or three times. If necessary, apply some oil to your chest and do steam inhalation. Phlegm will be produced as a result. Following these methods, you can gradually reduce the use of an inhaler or medicine until you give them up entirely.

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