Our body contains five liters of blood and 68% water. It is our duty to know how much water we must drink and when to drink to keep the body pure. Except man, every other creature knows its dharma of water. Any member of an animal species drinks the same amount of water, in the same way, all over the world. The animal is not as intelligent as man, but it drinks the required amount of water and keeps good health not needing any medical aid. That’s why its body does not smell bad even if it does not bathe regularly.
On the contrary, man, the intellectual who can reason, doesn’t know how much water he has to drink. He requires doctors to enlighten him. But though science has advanced much, it has not been able to adequately stress the importance of water to
the human body.
Man became accustomed to eating foods contrary to God’s plan for him. The same way, he is used to drinking water according to his own desires. This is very harmful. The water he drinks is not sufficient to cleanse his internal body, and so the body stinks. No amount of perfume or body spray can mask the stench. People hesitate to drink more water because they may have to urinate frequently. But how will the blood be purified if a sufficient quantity of water is not provided? The body discomfort due to shortage of water should be corrected. Medicines cannot help it. Simply, water should be provided to the body in the right way and at the right time.
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