Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I want you to be far away from the clutches of diseases, medicines, doctors and hospitals.
Health is happiness. No amount of wealth can give you the happiness of sound health.
If you can stay free from salt for four months that is the foundation for your good health. In these four months, your age-old stores of salt will dissolve slowly in the water you drink and come out over the time in the form of sweat and urine.

The new food--healthy and salt-free food--you eat for these four months will help get the salt out of your blood, so you will not crave for it again.

Round pieces of onions all along

You can cut onions into round pieces, squeeze lemon over them, and have a bite of it every now and then while eating and see. Once you taste it, you yourself will wonder how you have missed such a tasty food all along.

The raw onion can replace the salt in making food. Any amount of onion will not harm you.

Use more green chilies

Those who taste natural food for the first time complains of its spiciness. In fact, some people feel dry chilies or chili powder is bad for health and so avoid them. They are bad, there is no doubt, but green chilies are good for the body. Green chilies have nutritious value that is not found in anything else.

Now you understand that you can eat as many green chilies as you can bear. As you eat this spicy food, the tongue enjoys its spicy taste and forgets the lack of salt. So it diverts the mind.

Isn’t it enough?

There is yet another advantage. This spicy taste also creates more saliva, which makes the food tasty. Of course, once the chili goes into your stomach, it causes no harm. Eat them along with curries and see for yourself. You will discover a new flavor.

Add curd to tasteless food

You can eat some curries and really enjoy them. But some of them you may not. You get up from the table still hungry. This isn’t necessary. Instead, you can add some thick, creamy curd to curries you don’t like as much and see if it makes a difference. Curd has its own salt content and so helps substitute for the lack of salt.

Squeeze a lemon over food

The curries that you eat may not be tasty in the early stages. Some people don’t want to eat this kind of salt-free food. If you want to relish this food, even if you are not used to it, you better a squeeze lemon on the curries. It tastes sour and drives out the uneasiness caused by the salt-free food. The sour taste of lemon minimizes the salt-free flavor.

There is another advantage too. Salt-free food doesn’t stimulate saliva quickly in the mouth, so you can’t taste it right away. On the other hand, the very idea of the lemon’s taste inspires saliva to spring out as a stream. As this sour taste hits the mouth, it gives a new dimension to curry’s taste. So you can eat more of the curry.

Anyone can use one or two lemons every day. You won’t develop ulcers or gas if you use only this much lemon. So don’t entertain such strange fears. Lemon never does any harm. In fact, it provides vitamin C, which helps the intestines to absorb the iron from vegetables and rice. Lemon can also help lessen your cravings. Once you eat lemon you don’t long to eat anything for some time.

Mix rice in vegetable curries or eat curries with chapattis (breads)

 Till now the practice has been to mix curry in rice. With that you eat less curry and more rice. Even that little curry is full of oil, salt, chili powder, etc. Since you are eating only a small quantity of curries, you are not getting enough protein that your body needs. With that you will not have free bowel movements and you will become prone to new diseases.
But in our natural lifestyle, you should mix rice in curry instead of the other way around, so you will be eating more curry than rice. If you re involved in physical work, you can eat more rice, but it should be in equal proportion to the curry.

The curries will not taste completely bland if you mix rice with them. Of course, in the beginning you may not like them with rice. If so, eat them with chapattis (breads). This way, you can consume more curry, and you will be healthy very soon. You will have free bowel movement. But if you eat only a small amount of this type of curry, you will be weak and face some problems. So don’t forget. Don’t eat too little curry.

Concentrate on your tongue

1.  The tongue conveys taste, but it is the mind that decides the taste. When the mind is distracted, it cannot sense the taste in food, so you taste nothing and you will not be satisfied.

Today, man is surrounded by TV’s., CD players, magazines and newspapers, etc. But he is so busy working that he hardly finds time to watch them. So he tries to save time by watching them while eating. Then the tongue does its work like a lifeless machine. For some, the only chance they get to see their families is during mealtimes. So they all talk and laugh while eating.

You wish to eat tasty food, but you don’t concentrate on the taste. Isn’t it funny? How can you pay attention to what the tongue tastes if your mind is elsewhere? One may argue that we eat without knowing the real taste of food? The food you eat with your mind on something else doesn’t give you more than 50% of the potential pleasure it could provide. You can accept this only if you test it with 100% concentration.

Let me give you an example. I once served a sweet made out of honey to four people. They were talking to me while eating the sweet dish. After they were halfway through, I asked them how it tasted. They unanimously answered it was good, it was sweet, and it didn’t look different though it was made out of honey. Now I asked them to chew the second half of it silently without talking. Then they were able to realize the salty taste more than the sweet. They could make out the presence of honey, and they thought it was much better than sugar. So, their first opinion was a biased opinion. They took for granted that it would be sweet, and so could experience no other taste. If you concentrate, you may even discern the taste of milk and coconut in it.

The same is true with all fruits and vegetables. If you concentrate while eating, you can taste salt in them and find pleasure in it. If you eat dates and papayas this way, you will at once realize they are saltier than other vegetables or fruits. When you eat salt-free food, pay close attention and you will have the real flavor and pleasure of it.

The mind is the sole cause of everything. If you realize this and concentrate on what you eat, you can eat more with satisfaction. Then you will be benefited more through natural food and your health will improve.